Liming is a best alternative on the other hand will increases disease severity
(Left photo) . Liming is strongly recomended in Malaysia as important activity to improve soil fertility. While lowering the pH is an effective strategy for sweet potato scab the increasing soil pH or calcium levels may be beneficial for disease management in many other crops. Adequate levels of calcium can reduce clubroot in crucifer crops (broccoli, cabbage, cucumber etc.). The disease is inhibited in neutral to slightly alkaline soils (pH 6.7 to pH7.2) .A direct correlation between adequate calcium levels or higher pH and decreasing levels of Fusarium occurrence has been established for a number of crops, including tomatoes, banana, melons and several ornamental as observed in Air Hitam Agriculture Station in Johore.
Compost and
Disease Suppression is another way to manage soil borne disease. Compost has been used effectively in the nursery industry and in high-value crops and in potting soil mixtures for control of
root rot diseases. Adding compost to soil may be viewed as one of a spectrum of techniques including
cover cropping, crop rotations, mulching and
manuring to add organic matter to the soil. The major difference between compost amended soil and the other techniques is that organic matter in compost is already "digested." Other techniques require the digestion to take place in the soil, which allows for both anaerobic and aerobic decomposition of organic matter. Properly composted organic matter is digested chiefly through aerobic processes. These differences have important implications for soil and nutrient management, as well as plant health and pest management. Chemicals left after anaerobic decomposition largely reduce compost quality. Residual sulfides are a classic example.
Successful disease suppression by compost has been less frequent in soils than in potting mixes. This is probably why there has been much more research (
and commercialization) concerning compost amended potting mixes and growing media for greenhouse plant production than research on compost-amended soils for field crop production. Why Compost Works in the management system ? The study shown that compost is effective because it fosters a more diverse soil environment in which a myriad of soil organisms exist. Compost acts
as a food source and
shelter for the antagonists that compete with plant pathogens for those organisms that prey on and parasitize pathogens and for those beneficial that produce antibiotics.
Root rots is caused by
Pythium and
Phytophthora that are generally suppressed by the high numbers and diversity of beneficial microbes found in the compost. Such beneficial prevent the germination of spores and infection of plants growing on the amended soil . To get more reliable results from compost than the compost itself needs to be stable and of consistent quality. I teach compost subject to many local farmers in Johor and Melaka as part of the agriculture extension system by Department of Agriculture.
Systemic resistance is also induced in plants in response to compost treatments. Hotlink has now established that composts and compost teas indeed activate disease resistance genes in plants . These disease resistance genes are typically
"turned on" by the plant in response to the presence of a pathogen. These genes mobilize chemical defenses against the pathogen invasion although it often too late to avoid the disease. Plants growing in compost however will have these disease-prevention systems already running . Induced resistance is somewhat pathogen-specific but it does allow an additional way to manage certain diseases through common farming practices.
It has become evident that a
"one size fits all" approach to composting used in disease management will not work. Depending on
feed stock,
inoculum and
composting process. Composts have different characteristics affecting disease management potential. For example a high carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) tree bark compost generally works well to suppress Fusarium wilts. With lower C:N ratio composts Fusarium wilts may become more severe as a result of the excess nitrogen which favors Fusarium. Compost from sewage sludge typically has a low C:N ratio. This I learn from Kyusei Nature Faming Institute at Saraburi, Bangkok , Thailand in 2005 for 10 long days.
Three approaches can be used to increase the suppressiveness of compost. First, curing the compost for four months or more; second, incorporating the compost in the field soil several months before planting; and third, inoculating the compost with specific biocontrol agents. Two of the more common beneficial used to inoculate compost are strains of
Trichoderma and
Flavobacterium, added to suppress Rhizoctonia solani. Trichoderma harzianum acts against a broad range of soil-borne fungal crop pathogens, including R. solani, by production of anti-fungal exudates. As the compost matures, it becomes more suppressive. Readily available carbon compounds found in low-quality, immature compost can support Pythium and Rhizoctonia. As these compounds are reduced during the complete composting process, saprophytic growth of these pathogens is dramatically slowed . Beneficial such as
Trichoderma hamatum and T. harzianum, unable to suppress Rhizoctonia in immature composts, are extremely effective when introduced into mature composts.
Rhizoctonia is a highly
competitive fungus that colonizes fresh organic matter. Its ability to colonize decomposed organic matter is decreased or non-existent. There is a direct relationship between a compost's level of decomposition and its suppression of Rhizoctonia - again pointing to the need for high-quality, mature compost. Like immature compost, raw manure is conducive to diseases at first and becomes suppressive after decomposition. In other words, organic amendments supporting high biological activity (i.e., decomposition) are suppressive of plant-root diseases, while raw organic matter will often favor colonization by pathogens.
Determining and Monitoring Compost Quality also discuss in this topic.
It is clear that compost maturity is a key factor in its ability to suppress disease. The challenge involved in achieving and measuring that maturity is the primary reason that compost is not more widely used. Certainly, immature compost can be used in field situations, as long as it is applied well ahead of planting, allowing for eventual stabilization. However, good disease suppression may not develop due to other factors. For example, highly saline compost actually enhances Pythium and Phytophthora diseases unless applied months ahead of planting to allow for leaching .
Direct Inoculation with
Beneficial Organisms is another set to manage soil borne disease. There are a number of commercial products containing beneficial, disease-suppressive organisms. These products are applied in various ways including
seed treatments, compost inoculants, soil inoculants and
soil drenches. Among the beneficial organisms available are
Trichoderma, Flavobacterium, Streptomycetes, Gliocladium spp., Bacillus spp.,
Pseudomonas spp., and others.
Trichoderma and
Gliocladium are effective at parasitizing other fungi, but they stay alive only as long as they have other fungi to parasitize. So, these fungi do a good job on the pathogenic fungi that are present when you inoculate them, but then they run out of food and go to sleep. In soils with low fungal biomass (soils with low organic matter and plenty of tillage) these two beneficials have nothing to feed on. Compost is a great source of both the organisms and the food they need to do their jobs. A great diversity of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and beneficial nematodes exists in good compost.
Soil-borne diseases result from a
reduction in the biodiversity of soil organisms. Restoring important beneficial organisms that attack, repel, or otherwise antagonize disease-causing soil organisms will reduce their populations to a manageable level. Beneficial organisms can be added directly, or the soil environment can be made more favorable for them with compost and other organic amendments. Compost quality determines its effectiveness at suppressing soil-born plant diseases.
I belive most scientists aware about the importance of knowing soil borne disease as subject to be studied. The occruance ot soil borne disease in Malaysia are under control with adequate suiveilance done by commercial farmers and DOA personels. Oil Palm, Rubber, Paddy and vegetables are important crops in Malaysia contribute huge income to the nation and involve millions of farmers. It has to be ways to reduce the loss of income due to soil borne disease.
Thanks to ASTRA for the information.
M Anem
Senior Agronomist
Agriculture Department of Malaysia
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